Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Path Less Traveled

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” -- Matthew 7:13-14

It can be hard to travel against the grain, can't it? I know the salmon do it, but for us humans it can seem quite unnatural to try and swim against the current of the world. Things seem to move so fast these days and they get faster all the time. We have to keep up...we have to stay relevant, right? What are we to do if the kids aren't in 37 activities each week and pulling straight A's on top of that? We can't have the neighbors driving a bigger SUV than ours, and did you see the size of the pool with Wilson's put in this year? We have to keep up with the goings-on of Facebook, and the How To Lose 20 Pounds Without Exercise forum will fall apart if we don't get logged in and check it out. Then, the DVR still has 45 hours of last year's TV shows still on it...we simply have to get all of that stuff watched.


We've gotten ourselves so out of control that I'm afraid many of us have lost ourselves in the midst of it all. I know, I've been there! There are news articles every week of people saying and doing things that simply defy any logical reasoning, and some of them are elected leaders which means enough other people think along the same lines.

It's time to stop trying to keep up with the current of the world and get off the beaten path. My beat up, 12-year old pickup truck gets me where I need to go just as easily as your Lincoln Navigator. My kids may not pull down A's at school and they may not have a list of activities and achievements a mile long, but they are well-behaved and respectful and seem like they might grow into the kind of adults that will make the world a better place. It's OK to not be going 90 mph 90% of the time.

Reading what Jesus said, it seems like the more we can buck the trend and the more we can swim against the current, the closer we are to finding that small gate.

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