Sunday, January 02, 2011


There I was...laying back in the recliner on New Year's Day, watching football. I couldn't have felt farther away from God. You see, I'm quite capable of being a crotchety old grump and I had managed to be just that. I realized it as soon as it happened, but that doesn't really help matters much does it? It started me thinking and I realized I just wasn't feeling the closeness to God that I've become accustomed to feeling. It was an uncomfortable period of time for me. I couldn't wait to get to church Sunday morning and receive God's word. I knew it would speak to me, and God doesn't disappoint when you go seeking to hear from Him.

The verse that really hit me was from Luke chapter 6, verse 27: To you who are ready for the truth, I say this: Love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst.

Jesus is speaking about the people in our lives who are our enemies, but I don't think it's too much of a stretch to apply it to most everyone's biggest enemy...ourselves!

Sitting there feeling blue, I had a choice. I could either allow the feelings I was feeling to deepen, spiraling my soul down into a hole...and I could have had a big 'ol pity party. On the other hand, I could refuse to be mastered by those feelings and remember that just because I wasn't feeling close to God didn't mean God wasn't right there with me. I know I chose correctly.

Whatever it is you struggle with...whether it's addiction, lying, laziness, guilt, selfishness, etc...whatever it is, the pain is self-inflicted. You have to love yourself through that stuff because you know God loves you. You have an opportunity through that love to let your enemies, your inner demons, bring forth the best in you! Don't allow yourself to be drug down into a deeper and deeper hole. Instead, choose to rise above it. Overcome it. Shine through it. God built you with the power and ability to receive the Holy Spirit and master anything that might try to control you. It's high time you use it!

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