Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Child-Like Worship

I've been trying to come up with a good way to equate what I think it means to worship God like a child. Here is what I came up with...

It's like you get to remain in that one special moment that only comes once a year...I'm talking about the moment early in the morning on December 25th when you throw off the blankets and race out of your room, Spider-man pajamas and all, and into the living room where you stop dead in your tracks and behold the wonder that is all of your Christmas presents piled up under the tree. What??? You mean you don't still have Spider-man pajamas??? That'

But anyway, you know the moment I'm talking about. It's exciting and special and completely wonderful. Maybe that's a tall task for all of us silly grown-up types. Maybe the key is getting some of those pajamas! Or maybe not...but the trick is putting ourselves in that mindset. While God is constantly with us through the Holy Spirit, I truly believe that the act of us entering into worship puts a smile on His face. Worship is an outward expression of our thanks, a recognition of His awesome power and glory, and a celebration of the gift of salvation that we've received. Sometimes it's like the best party ever. Sometimes it's so emotional that tears are inevitable.

The point is...appreciate it for how special it is and then be thankful for Jesus that we're allowed to experience it anytime we like! I've experienced worship driving in my car, sitting at my desk at work, being with our horses, watching a movie, when I hold my get the point. There is no bad time to worship.

I want to close with an example of the worship I'm describing from the Bible. Jesus is talking to a non-Jewish woman in Galilee who had come to the well where He rested to draw water. In their conversation, she talks about how the Jewish leaders had told them they had to travel to Jerusalem to worship. Jesus explains why that isn't necessary any longer...

"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." -- John 4:23-24

Worship with your spirit and do it truthfully...and keep that Christmas morning smile in your heart and on your face!

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