"So I drive, years and miles are flying by...and waiting there to greet us is my plastic dashboard Jesus." - Bon Jovi
Really great song, by the way. Sometimes I feel like my faith has been reduced to that level...that the Son of God has for me been reduced to just watching the years and miles pass by and I'm just hoping to get through another day. We get wrapped up in our lives and in ourselves and it's easy to put Jesus on the back burner (or on the dashboard). Small dreams make for a small God.
Now, check out the words of King Darius of Babylon after seeing God save Daniel from the lion's den:
"For he is the living God
and he endures forever;
his kingdom will not be destroyed,
his dominion will never end.
He rescues and he saves;
he performs signs and wonders
in the heavens and on the earth.
He has rescued Daniel
from the power of the lions."
He rescues and saves...and it is so because Jesus was strong and courageous and driven to fulfill His purpose. We're free to dream big and to accomplish so much in God's name! Don't let life drag you down and make you tired. Give it all up to The One who can help you make the impossible a reality. He will shut the lion's mouths and be your protection. After all, He is sooo much more than a plastic statue!!!
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