Monday, July 26, 2010

Sure And Certain

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. -- Hebrews 11:1 NIV

When I was younger, I was sure that I wanted a new car. Nobody was going to talk me out of it and no one was going to tell me I couldn't afford it. I had a good job and I wanted a new car and that was the end of the story. I got my new car, a 1989 Chevy Beretta with aluminum wheels and a digital dash. The sound system absolutely rocked, and I never had a problem finding people to ride around in it with me. And then I had to buy the tag and start making payments. I was sinking fast and, in the end, I needed a bunch of help and was lucky enough to have parents who accepted me and helped me start to climb out of a big hole.

I believe many of us do exactly the same thing when it comes to God. We start putting our own qualifications on God for our success. We convince ourselves that because it's what we want God must surely want it for us. Then, when what we wanted wasn't what God wanted for us and it doesn't happen we start to wonder why God doesn't love us or what we may have done wrong to make God mad since we didn't get our way.

God doesn't work like that. Just like my parents and the people around me could look at it objectively and see that I had no business buying that car, God has bigger plans for our lives than we could possibly imagine. So, when He doesn't come through for us and deliver on our request it doesn't mean He doesn't love us enough. It means He loves us too much to allow us to settle when He has something so much better in the wings.

Being sure of what we hope for is Jesus' return and the certainty of that which we cannot see is the place Jesus has gone and prepared for each us in eternity. Now, I don't know about you but I don't know how I could possibly look at a God that good and ever question my situation again. I will focus my heart, mind, body, and soul on the tasks put in front of me on Earth so I can reach my goal in Heaven.

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