Sunday, October 17, 2010

What If?

Over the past few weeks at All Things Fellowship, we've been taking a look at some fairly common questions that most of don't know how to answer and taking a look at what the Bible has to say on these various subjects. It has been an inspired look into some of the mysteries of life and of God, and it has caused me to start pondering the greatness of God.

If God is infinite then that makes us incredibly small and insignificant in the grand scheme, doesn't it? How can anything we're capable of thinking up or creating ourselves be anything of value? In Ecclesiastes 1:9, Solomon says, "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." We tend to get really caught up in our daily lives and very narrowly focused on the world around us that it can seem like there truly is nothing new under the sun. We can get to feeling like this is it...this is all there is to it.

I want to take some time this week to imagine something greater than that. I want to explore the possibility that we really aren't the small, insignificant beings we sometimes appear to be. I want to spend some time wondering what our lives might be like if we figured out how to let go of our spiritual inhibitions. What might we be able to accomplish if we followed that sage advice we've read on countless church signs that says, "Let go and let God"?

Our pastor ended his sermon series last night with the end of Solomon's consideration of the meaning of life by quoting the last couple of verses from Ecclesiastes (12:13-14)...

Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.

Come along with me this week and we'll attempt to discover the "What Ifs" of a life spent fearing God and keeping his commandments.

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