Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What If...God's Children Became Unstoppable?

“I tell you the truth, whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven. I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.” -- Matthew 18:18-20 NLT

For the past three or four years, churches all over the world have gotten together once a year and all spent a few weeks teaching on the same topic. I'm talking hundreds of churches in countries all around the world who put aside their regular schedule and spend a month or so teaching and listening to other churches teach on the same thing. This past year the topic was Unstoppable. I wonder what would happen if God's children all around the world truly dedicated themselves to becoming one unstoppable force in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?

Jesus gave us tremendous amounts of power and responsibility in that passage I quoted, and I don't think we've spent nearly enough time examining that or taking it to heart. There is no guess-work in that passage. Jesus doesn't say that if we ask for something he'll think about it. He doesn't tell us that we need to perform any crazy rituals to get Heaven's attention. He says that anything we come together and ask in His name will be done! Not half of what we ask. Not only if we ask in tongues. No conditions at all other than we have to come together and we have to do it as followers of Christ. Are you kidding me??? Can you honestly look at that phrase in the context in which I've just described it and tell me why the church spends so much time worried about things that don't matter when there is so much work that can, and should, be completed?

I wonder how many of us who profess Christ with our lips truly believe with our hearts. If we did, we'd be urgently seeking out others like us and we would be banding together in His name. We would be asking to put in the path of those who need us, who need to be fed and clothed and told the greatest news there is to tell. We'd be focused solely on expanding and glorifying the Kingdom of God through our thoughts and actions and we'd be doing it together at all times. Think about how much we could accomplish!!!

Now, I know there is a lot of good being done in the world. I know there are scores of hungry children being fed and tons of Christ followers doing mission work. The rest of need to be inspired by that. We need come together as small groups and large congregations and we need to pray with everything in us that He would show us His will for us. We need to decide where we're being called to make a difference and then pray a prayer that is so big that only God can fulfill it. Look at your Bible...that's the way God works. He unbalances the odds until the situation is impossible and that, my friends, is when He shows up and does His thing!

It is our task to realize and understand that and to join together that we might make a difference. We need to quit being afraid to ask for the impossible and realize that is the only way to ask for the Godly. We need to figure out that He made us to work together. He made us to become unstoppable.

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