Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy Holidays

You shall have no other gods before me. -- Exodus 20:3 NIV

(Gotta love how absolutely no gray area creeps into God's instructions for us!)

We're all guilty of it at times...some of us more than others. We put things ahead of God on life's little priority list, and we're in violation of God's command in doing so. Doesn't matter how insignificant the infraction, it's still an infraction and remember, there is gray area when it comes to God.

The title of today's post gives it away, but the one that really gets me fired up is the fairly recent trend of people insisting on saying 'Happy Holidays' instead of 'Merry Christmas'. Call centers instruct their employees to use it. TV advertisers use it. My son was playing Xbox with someone who said "Christians need to quit ruining Christmas by talking about Jesus so much." Are you kidding me??? God forbid (and isn't that funny???) that we tick somebody off while we're busy remembering that this is a CHRISTIAN HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!! The result is that, in the process of trying to not upset everyone who isn't Christian we've managed to slap the Creator right across the cheek. The message we send by even the slightest bump off of our #1 priority is that we don't really need God. It's a slippery slope and, I believe, the reason why it's such a focal point in God's instructions to us. 'Happy Holidays' for me is just like cursing at your parents. It's disrespectful, and we need to stop it.

I understand that not everyone believes in Jesus and I consider that their choice even though I believe it to be the wrong one. But to insist that we can't say Merry Christmas is crossing a line that doesn't need crossing. In my opinion, non-believers should accept that it's a Christian holiday, take their paid day off of work, and be happy with it. We as Christians are taught to love everyone and to be the example to others that Jesus would be if he walked around in the flesh today, but nowhere can you find an example of Jesus backing the idea that he shouldn't proudly display God in his words and actions. So why should we?

So I say to you all, Merry Christmas!!!

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