Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Old Has Become New

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! -- 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV

Here we are. 2010 is on it's last legs and 2011 is right around the corner. Have you been thinking and talking about resolutions for the new year or have you discovered what many of us know? It's a lot harder to live up to those resolutions than it is to make them. We have the greatest of ambitions when we resolve to improve ourselves, don't we? "This is going to be the year I lose 20 pounds" or "This time I'm really going to make sure I call my mother once a week" or maybe even "This is the year I find 'The One' and get married". Whatever they are, we usually shoot for the moon. It's a lot of pressure!

You wanna know the secret to realizing success? You have to come to the realization that the creature you long to be is already inside of you! God made you with a perfect design. It's just bursting to reveal itself and you are the only thing holding it back.

Let me put it in the form of a question or two. Can you pinpoint a time in your life when you are 100% sure you felt the presence of Christ in you? You can feel God's pull on your life to be certain, but I don't know that you can really feel Christ's presence inside of you until you get to a point where you need to feel it. Once you do that, you've unlocked your true self. You are free to live a life full of Christ. You are ready to begin the next part of the journey I wrote about this week.

We refer to that as you becoming a new creation, but it's really a matter of you realizing your potential in Christ. Instead of a new creation you become you discover your true self! I can think of no better time to dig deep and give that some thought than New Year's weekend. It's a new year, full of limitless possibilities and as yet untold stories. There will be good and there will be bad to be certain, but even a bad day with Christ is better than the best day without.

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