Tuesday, May 11, 2010

90 Days!

I'm quite proud of myself because I just completed a reading plan on YouVersion.com that consisted of reading the entire Bible in 90 days. I've wanted to read the whole thing for a very long time, so I'm fired up that I did what I set out to do.

More importantly, I learned so much from these past three months. There are things I didn't know about, connections that I made due to the short window to read it all, and insights about myself and God that will definitely help me continue to grow as a follower of Christ. While I might recommend a couple of smaller reading plans first (like the Gospels and one that does Psalms and Proverbs), I can definitely tell that it's worth your while to read it aggressively like that. I thought I would share a few of the thing I learned over the past 90 days.

  • I learned to look at scriptures I've known most of my life in new and interesting ways because I could connect that scripture with something I had recently read.  This makes the Bible seem more like the planned and complete body of work that it is instead of just a conglomeration of individual writings stuck together at random...and believe it or not I've heard that theory before!
  • My belief in God as The Creator and of Jesus as The Savior are incredibly strong now, and that is due to seeing how everything that was told to the prophets came to pass just as God told them it would.  For me, this completely validates what is to come as is described both by Jesus and in the book of Revelation.
  • I understand more deeply now what it is to pray with your heart and not just your mind, and I know that our faith is rewarded when we pray.  Way too many people were healed, and not just by Jesus, because of the faith of those being healed as well as those doing the healing.
  • I have a newly energized desire to share what I know with others, to make a difference in peoples lives.
I also wanted to let all of you know that we did get that big church project that I thought I had messed up last week completed.  My wife was nice enough to go drop it off at Lifechurch today, so thank you for praying for our success on the project.  I hope that somebody, somewhere in the world will see our message and be changed because of it.

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