Sunday, May 16, 2010

Did You Ever Wonder?

As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. -- Ecclesiastes - 11:5

What cracks me up about that verse, and I guess maybe why it caught my attention is the first part where it tells us we don't know the path of the wind. Living in Oklahoma we have more wind on a consistent basis than just about any other place on the planet. Our biggest culprits are tornadoes. Our meteorologists here have gotten very good at defining what types of storms are capable of producing tornadoes and yet, with all of our knowledge and technology, we still have no clue why a storm actually produces a funnel and why others don't. They can't tell us when it's going to form, how long it will stay on the ground, or which direction it will go once it does reach earth. We know so much and yet we still know nothing.

If the smartest among us are not capable of any more than pure conjecture when it comes to understanding how God works, then why don't more of us chalk it up to curiosity and move on? Do you think there is such a thing as pondering the mechanics of the universe too deeply? Were we created to never really be satisfied with always want to know and have more? Is it possible that, by advancing so far so quickly that we've taken every ounce of wonder and mystery out of life?

We'll have eternity after we get to Heaven to get answers to all of our questions. Let's spend our time here on Earth doing what we can to share how much God loves us and what Jesus did for us with as many people as possible. We might not know which way the wind will blow next but we can be sure of one thing; as long as there is breath in our bodies God has plans for us. Our job is to trust His plan and fulfill our commission.

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