Friday, August 20, 2010


I'll let you in on a little secret. I know I post these blogs and send them out pretty early in the morning, but I almost always write them the night before so that all I have to do is publish the next morning. This one is getting written this morning.

I don't like to admit this, but I was simply too angry and disappointed last night and I can't write what God wants me to write with an angry heart. I need to work on that because the Bible tells me not to let the day end with any of that stuff still lingering. So pray for me on that, if you would?

I was having a pretty good night last night. We had breakfast for dinner (and is there anything better???) and then headed over for our couple's small group at the church. We had a really good session there and then it was time to go put our horses away for the night and come home to veg. We get to the horse stable and Rachel decides to be frustrated at having to help and then proceeds to cop attitude with me about why I let her leave the house with good shoes on...and this after I plainly told her we would be putting the horses up after church.

When my kids show a lack of gratitude and disrespect, even independently of one another, it goes all over me. That is where the disappointment comes in.

It got me to thinking this morning, if we as parents can get that balled up with disappointment and frustration, how disappointing must we be for God when we fail to show our gratitude for all that He does for us or when we're asked to do the simplest of tasks and refuse? My creator getting upset with me is not something I want to turn into a trend. The real kicker is that no matter how upset I am with my daughter right now, I know He's more upset that I didn't handle the situation with more grace, understanding, and forgiveness...because that's what He does.

In all of your relationships, remember that we have the grace of Christ covering us. We are called to live a life of love and forgiveness, so when you start getting frustrated or disappointed with someone...remember that!

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