Sunday, August 01, 2010

Top 10 - Ways God Speaks Through Our Kids

Even if you aren't a parent you can probably appreciate this one. Have you ever noticed how kids are capable of delivering God's message to you in a way that is more effective than if it were 99% of the adults in the world? My kids have made me laugh so hard I have cried and made me tear up at my failures. We all know the saying, 'kids say the darndest things', and if you've ever been on the receiving end of a kid-delivered gem you know how true it is!
So, for this week's top 10 list I give you my personal list of the 10 best things God has taught me through kids.

  • 10 - Temper tantrums are supposed to go away when get big.
  • 09 - The older you get, the more crotchety you can get and people have to listen to you.
  • 08 - He made babies cute for a reason...because they turn into toddlers and, eventually, teenagers.
  • 07 - So many more things are both edible and flammable than I would have thought possible.
  • 06 - Trust is hard to earn and extremely easy to lose.
  • 05 - You can effectively disable a mouse by smacking it with a flip-flop.
  • 04 - There is no more humbling experience than to realize your kids are smarter than you are (technology anyone?)
  • 03 - If you ever need something you wished you had forgotten repeated to someone you wish hadn't heard it, have kids.  They will keep you accountable!
  • 02 - There is no better feeling in the world than running as fast as you can and feeling the wind on your backside.
and the #1 thing God has taught through a kid...
  • 01 - God has a special place in His heart for the little ones and it only takes having one fall asleep in your arms to experience it.
Have an awesome Monday and I'll check back in tomorrow!!!

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