Monday, August 30, 2010

Prayer For The Day

I don't really have anything inspiring to write about today, so please read this and make it your prayer with me today. Regardless of inspiration or motivation, prayer is the thing we can, and should, always turn to so that we may express our hearts to God and have peace and encouragement in Him.

Father God,

Life doesn't seem fair at times. I try and try to make good things happen for myself and those I care for the most. I want so desperately to be a blessing but it seems like I just spin my wheels. For every step forward it seems I take two steps back. So I ask why? Why Heavenly Father do I work so hard for so little gain?

Then I hear Your voice calming me, reminding me that it is not by my works but by Grace that I am Your child. You remind me that no amount of my effort without Your guidance is sufficient to accomplish the smallest amounts of Your Will. You are the calmer of storms, the giver of life, the forgiver of my sins.

Guide me through my days, Lord, and show me Your Will that it should be done and not my own. Grant me peace in the midst of chaos that I may help the tormented, blessings in the midst of famine that I may feed the hungry, and the strength to help the helpless whom Satan would seek to ruin.

I love you more than I can express, Father. You are always and forever good. All of these things I ask in Jesus' name.


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